Japanese Armor Photos
Virtual Tour of Edo, Japan

1) Choose a partner and then spilt up to get better coverage of Edo over your two day stay.  Both you and your partner will explore ___ different sites in Edo each so that when you are both done you have studied a combined total of ___ sites on the map above.

2) Before splitting up, both you and your partner will agree on which ___sites each one of you will explore so that there will be no duplication.

3) During your investigation you will create a sheet of questions to be later answered by your partner.  For each site you will create #s 2, 3, and 4 "style" questions.   The numbers refer to the four question styles per your recent reading assignments - i.e.: "right there", "hunt, find, and list", and "reflection" questions.

4) Open the following screen for a template for use during your investigation.Once the new screen opens: right-click and choose "select all" - "copy", then "past" the template into Microsoft Word. 


map.jpg (91575 bytes)
Virtual Tour of Edo, Japan
map                              walking tour

Edo WebQuest: M.Harris (2002), Westhill High School, Stamford, CT.